Story of Heroes - Anthony


Born on July 12, 2004, Anthony developed brain tumour symptoms just before his third birthday, in June 2007. The tumour was monitored with MRIs, and continued to grow slowly. In October 2010 treatment became necessary; and from November 2010 to May 2012, Anthony endured 70 weeks of chemotherapy. Anthony remained stable from May 2012 until January 2016. Then, more treatment was necessary and he had one month of chemo on a clinical trial; but the chemo was not effective. He then had radiation therapy which shrank the tumour. In October 2016 everything looked stable. He had no new growth or symptoms and the doctors were confident that he was not in danger.

In February 2017, a routine MRI showed that the tumour had spread throughout the brain stem and outside to the top of his spinal cord and upwards to surrounding brain tissue. The diagnosis changed to Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. Anthony began chemo and re-radiation.
In July, the symptoms were noticeable. By the end of August, he was bedridden. Anthony passed away on September 28, 2017. He was just 13 years old.

Anthony loved road trips and travelling to faraway places. He thought that family vacations were the best. He loved simple games and crafts, making and creating things, doing things for his friends, and he loved his sister more than anything else. He enjoyed trying new things and
was beginning to enjoy cooking new foods. He wanted to learn to drive a car. Anthony wanted his family to remember him and continue on with his simple ways, and he wanted his family to continue helping Meagan’s Walk.

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